Film Hall of Fame: Architects

Film Hall of Fame Inductees: Architects

This area is currently under construction. Please find below the current list of inductees as well as the year in which they were inducted into the Hall of Fame by the members of the OFTA. Please note that the most recent additions have been listed like this. We are working on an area to give more details on our selections.

From the inception of the Hall of Fame through 2008, inductees were submitted under one of three designations Directing (D), Writing (W), or Producing (P). Some individuals were inducted under more than one area, thus appearing in the list multiple times. These individuals are now considered to be general member of the Hall of Fame, regardless of discipline. The designates are listed for information purposes only.

As of 2009, a new set of guidelines was adopted for inducting architects into the Hall of Fame. Individuals considered for the Directing, Writing & Producing category could be inducted once and it would be for their contribution in these areas, even if they took on more than one job on any number of films. Below, the original induction dates and designations of those inductees submitted prior to 2009 are listed. New inductees have no designations other than year of induction.

EDITORIAL NOTE: Hall of Fame inductees are selected based on three primary considerations: the historic, aesthetic, and cultural significance of each inductee. Some individuals were byproducts of a certain time period and their views reflected that era. Those individuals who still live are held to higher standards than those who have passed as it’s incumbent upon each of us to grow, improve, and adapt to standards of fairness, equity, and liberty. While we cannot change the past and who we have inducted previously, we will acknowledge that we must do better. Our organization pledges to do what it can to promote inclusion and tolerance. As such, we will do what we can to induct only those individuals of strong character whose actions are a reflection of the ideals of the present.

— A —

2024: Chantal Akerman
2006 / 1998: Woody Allen (D / W)
2019: Pedro Almodovar
2004: Robert Altman (D)
2019: Paul Thomas Anderson
2020: Wes Anderson
2020: Michelangelo Antonioni
2022: Dario Argento
2025: Darren Aronofsky
2022: Dorothy Arzner
2021: Richard Attenborough

— B —

2018: Warren Beatty
2002: Ingmar Bergman (D / W)
2018: Bernardo Bertolucci
2022: Kathryn Bigelow
2020: Brad Bird
2025: Bluth Bluth
2024: Peter Bogdanovich
2021: Joon-ho Bong
2024: Bong Joon-Ho
2020: Kenneth Branagh
2024: Albert R. Broccoli
2023: Albert Brooks
2024: James L. Brooks
2006: Mel Brooks (W)
2023: Jerry Bruckheimer
2007: Luis Buñuel (D)
2019: Tim Burton

— C —

2019: James Cameron
2019: Jane Campion
2001: Frank Capra (D)
2020: John Carpenter
2017: John Cassavetes
2008: Charles Chaplin (D)
2007: Paddy Chayefsky (W)
2018: Joel & Ethan Coen
2003: Francis Ford Coppola (D / P)
2023: Sofia Coppola
2018: Roger Corman
2021: Wes Craven
2022: David Cronenberg
2020: Alfonso Cuarón
2007: George Cukor (D)
2012: Michael Curtiz

— D —

2022: Brian De Palma
2017: Vittorio De Sica
2020: Guillermo Del Toro
2015: Cecil B. DeMille
2022: Jonathan Demme
2025: Claire Denis
1997: Walt Disney (P)
2024: Richard Donner

— E —

2014: Clint Eastwood
2013: Blake Edwards
2018: Nora Ephron

— F —

2023: Jon Favreau
2004: Federico Fellini (D / W)
2019: David Fincher
1998: John Ford (D)
2019: Milos Forman
2022: John Frankenheimer
2006: Arthur Freed (P)
2023: William Friedkin

— G —

2023: Terry Gilliam
2019: Jean-Luc Godard
2007: Samuel Goldwyn (P)
2009: D.W. Griffith
2020: Alice Guy

— H —

2005: Howard Hawks (D)
2025: Amy Heckerling
2024: Jim Henson
1997 / 2008: Alfred Hitchcock (D / P)
2024: Ron Howard
2020: John Hughes
2003 / 2000: John Huston (D / W)

— J —

2021: Peter Jackson
2016: Norman Jewison
2000: Chuck Jones (W)
2025: Spike Jonze

— K —

2022: Wong Kar-wai
2006: Elia Kazan (D)
2009: Buster Keaton
2021: Kathleen Kennedy
2016: Stanley Kramer (D / P / W)
1998 / 2001 / 2005: Stanley Kubrick (D)
2000: Akira Kurosawa

— L —

2009: Fritz Lang
2000: David Lean (D)
2016: Ang Lee
2018: Spike Lee
2003: Ernest Lehman (W)
2008: Sergio Leone (D)
2011: Ernst Lubitsch
2018: George Lucas
2013: Sidney Lumet
2010: The Lumière Brothers
2019: Ida Lupino
2014: David Lynch

— M —

2023: Terrence Malick
2001: Louis Malle
2002: Joseph L. Mankiewicz (W)
2024: Penny Marshall
2023: Elaine May
2012: Leo McCarey
2021: Georges Méliès
2013: Vincente Minnelli
2010: Hayao Miyazaki
2010: F.W. Murnau

— N —

2016: Mike Nichols
2022: Christopher Nolan

— O —

2021: Frank Oz
2017: Yasujiro Ozu

— P —

2011: Sam Peckinpah
2019: Mary Pickford
2016: Sydney Pollack
2011: Michael Powell
2022: Otto Preminger

— R —

2021: Satyajit Ray
2018: Robert Redford
2017: Jean Renoir
2025: George A. Romero

— S —

1999: Martin Scorsese (D)
2021: Ridley Scott
1999: David O. Selznick (P)
2004: Neil Simon (W)
2025: John Singleton
2018: Douglas Sirk
2025: Kevin Smith
2023: Aaron Sorkin
1997: Steven Spielberg (D / P)
2015: George Stevens
2015: Oliver Stone
2005: Preston Sturges (W)

— T —

2014: Quentin Tarantino
2017: Andrei Tarkovsky
2024: Jacques Tati
2008: Irving G. Thalberg (P)
2005: François Truffaut (D)

— V —

2018: Agnès Varda

— W —

2023: The Wachowskis (Lana & Lilly)
1999: Orson Welles (D)
2002 / 1999: Billy Wilder (D / W)
2020: Tennessee Williams
2017: Robert Wise
2001: William Wyler (D)

— Z —

1998: Darryl F. Zanuck (P)
2021: Robert Zemeckis
2012: Fred Zinnemann