Film Hall of Fame: Scores

Hall of Fame Inductees: Scores

This area is currently under construction. Please find below the current list of inductees as well as the year in which they were inducted into the Hall of Fame by the members of the OFTA. Please note that the most recent additions have been listed like this. We are working on an area to give more details on our selections.

EDITORIAL NOTE: Hall of Fame inductees are selected based on three primary considerations: the historic, aesthetic, and cultural significance of each inductee. Some individuals were byproducts of a certain time period and their views reflected that era. Those individuals who still live are held to higher standards than those who have passed as it’s incumbent upon each of us to grow, improve, and adapt to standards of fairness, equity, and liberty. While we cannot change the past and who we have inducted previously, we will acknowledge that we must do better. While we aren’t able to change the selections of the past, our organization pledges to do what it can to promote inclusion and tolerance. As such, we will do what we can to induct only those individuals of strong character whose actions are a reflection of the ideals of the present.

— # —

2022: 2001: A Space Odyssey (Aram Khatchaturian, György Ligeti, Johann Strauss II, Richard Strauss) (1968)

— A —

2024: The Adventures of Robin Hood (Erich Wolfgang Korngold) (1938)
2022: Aladdin (Alan Menken, Howard Ashman, Tim Rice) (1992)
2024: Alien (Jerry Goldsmith) (1979)
2022: All That Jazz (Ralph Burns) (1979)
2024: The Apartment (Adolph Deutsch) (1960)
2023: Atonement (Dario Marianelli) (2007)
2025: The Avengers (Alan Silvestri) (2012)

— B —

2021: Back to the Future (Alan Silvestri) (1985)
2024: Batman (Danny Elfman) (1989)
2021: Beauty and the Beast (Alan Menken, Howard Ashman) (1991)
2025: Beauty and the Beast (Alan Menken, Howard Ashman) (1991)
2022: Blade Runner (Vangelis) (1982)
2023: Bram Stoker’s Dracula (Wojciech Kilar) (1992)
2024: Breakfast at Tiffany’s (Henry Mancini) (1961)

— C —

2022: Casablanca (Max Steiner) (1942)
2021: Chariots of Fire (Vangelis) (1981)
2024: Close Encounters of the Third Kind (John Williams) (1977)
2025: Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon (Dun Tan) (2000)

— D —

2023: The Dark Knight (Hans Zimmer, James Newton Howard) (2008)
2025: Doctor Zhivago (Maurice Jarre) (1965)

— E —

2021: E.T. The Extra-Terrestrial (John Williams) (1982)
2022: The Empire Strikes Back (John Williams) (1980)
2023: The Exorcist (Jack Nitzsche) (1973)

— F —

2024: Forrest Gump (Alan Silvestri) (1994)

— G —

2021: The Godfather (Nino Rota) (1972)
2021: Gone With the Wind (Max Steiner) (1939)
2021: The Good, the Bad & the Ugly (Ennio Morricone) (1966)

— H —

2021: Halloween (John Carpenter) (1978)
2023: Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone (John Williams) (2001)

— I —

2022: Inception (Hans Zimmer) (2010)
2025: Interstellar (Hans Zimmer) (2014)

— J —

2021: Jaws (John Williams) (1975)
2021: Jurassic Park (John Williams) (1993)

— L —

2021: Lawrence of Arabia (Maurice Jarre) (1962)
2023: The Lion King (Hans Zimmer) (1994)
2021: The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring (Howard Shore) (2001)

— N —

2023: A Nightmare on Elm Street (Charles Bernstein) (1984)
2023: North by Northwest (Bernard Herrmann) (1959)

— O —

2024: The Omen (Jerry Goldsmith) (1976)

— P —

2024: The Pink Panther (Henry Mancini) (1963)
2021: Psycho (Bernard Herrmann) (1960)

— R —

2021: Raiders of the Lost Ark (John Williams) (1981)
2021: Requiem for a Dream (Clint Mansell) (2000)
2024: Return of the Jedi (John Williams) (1983)

— S —

2021: Schindler’s List (John Williams) (1993)
2021: Shaft (Isaac Hayes, JJ Johnson) (1971)
2022: The Social Network (Trent Reznor, Atticus Ross) (2010)
2021: Star Wars (John Williams) (1977)
2021: Superman (John Williams) (1978)

— T —

2021: Titanic (James Horner) (1997)
2023: Toy Story (Randy Newman) (1995)

— V —

2022: Vertigo (Bernard Herrmann) (1958)

— W —

2022: West Side Story (Leonard Bernstein, Stephen Sondheim) (1961)
2023: The Wizard of Oz (Harold Arlen) (1939)